News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Meet the 2024 Potter County Fair Queen Candidate Emilee Dailey


All former Potter County Fair Queens are invited to August 1 coronation!

From the Potter County Fair,

Emilee Dailey is the sixteen year old daughter of Kim and John Dailey of Coudersport. She has been coming to the fair since she was three years old! Over the years, Emilee has exhibited rabbits for nine years, horses for 12 years, goats for three years and this year is trying a market lamb for the first time. She has also entered photography and Lego projects.

Emilee is a member of the Potter Show Animals 4-H Club where she serves as secretary. Also, she is a camp counselor at Northwinds 4-H Camp. Emilee is home schooled. She states that being home schooled has given her the opportunity to create and run a registered goat herd. Emilee is also the founder of “Mil-Bea Farms Educational Program” where they take goats to schools and preschools to teach people about goats.

Emilee would like to be the next Potter County Fair Queen because she has always participated in the fair, she also wants to show other people that even if you may be busy you can always find a way to do something new.

To all the former Potter County Fair Queens!

Please come to the coronation on Thursday, August 1 at 8 pm. I would really like to try something that the state does at their coronation which is called passing the crown. All former queens pass the new crown down to the new queen. It is really a neat thing and would love to try it this year, so please come and support the new girl. Let me know who can make it. Thanks~Judi Turton

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