From Post Commander Greg McAndrew
Post Officer Elections will be April 10, 2024, at 7:15 pm at Frank B. Church Post 2530.
Nominations are now open.
All candidates and electors shall be Post Members in good standing (current on dues).
Candidates must be present at the meeting, or send a proxy to speak on their behalf, a letter acknowledging acceptance of an elected position will also suffice.
Please send correspondence by mail, in person or E mail me at
It has been my pleasure to serve as your Commander for the past year.
The Post has turned the corner financially; I do need more assistance from Post Members.
We are very luck to have this Post. My Senior Vice Tyle Kelleher and I have toured area posts:
Geneseo has no building and meets in a motel room.
Batavia’s Post is in a basement.
Warsaw has reduced hours.
If you value your Post, please be active, and assist in recruiting new members.
In the upcoming year, we plan to do more events for Veterans and their Families.
Feel free to contact me with ideas, suggestions, or complaints.
I look forward to your continuing support and an excellent year for Post 2530.
Sincerely yours
Greg McAndrew
Post Commander