News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melanie Hunt

WXXI/NPR: Monroe County District Attorney refuses traffic stop, caught on body cam


District Attorney Sandra Doorley caught speeding, berating police office

By Andrew Harris, pictured is Doorley from body cam footage

They say that no one is above the law, and Webster Police Officer Cameron Crisafulli certainly took the high road when he initiated a traffic stop for going 55mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle refused to pull over and Crisafulli pursued the vehicle with lights and sirens until the SUV pulled into a suburban home. The driver was Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley and she was not happy with the police officer, who approached the home with body cam activated.

What happened during that twenty minute encounter was caught on video as Doorley called the police chief and repeatedly told Officer Crisafulli to “just go away.”

Read the whole story and watch the body cam footage by WXXI News | By Gino Fanelli :

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