News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melissa Scott

Historic Angelica Newspapers Digitized, available now online


Read from the Dispatch, the Advocate, the Republican, and the Week

From the Southern Tier Library System,

Issues of four historic Angelica newspapers have been digitized and are freely available online: The Belmont Dispatch (1956-1966), The Angelica Advocate (1908-1959), Allegany County Republican (1901-1903), and Every Week (1886-1887).

The Angelica Free Library, in partnership with the Southern Tier Library System (STLS), received a $5,234 Technology and Digitization Grant from the South Central Regional Library Council, to digitize 24 reels of microfilmed newspapers from Angelica, New York and the surrounding area. The digitized newspapers have been added to the New York State Historic Newspapers database.

Before being renamed as The Angelica Advocate in 1908, the paper first ran in 1901 under the
title of The Allegany Advocate. In 1958, The Advocate combined with The Belmont Dispatch and The Friendship Register, under the flag, The Dispatch, which ran until ceasing publication in 1966. The digitized copies of these publications provide first-hand accounts and perspectives from our area’s history.

STLS Engagement Consultant Erika Jenns said, “We are thrilled to continue developing the representation of Allegany County in the New York State Historic Newspapers database. The preservation of Angelica’s rich history, along with the history of the surrounding area is critical. These digitized files are widely accessible to anyone interested in researching the history of our region.”

The New York Historic Newspapers project exists to digitize, and make freely available for research, significant runs of historic newspapers for every county in the state. STLS, which serves all 17 libraries in Allegany County, has been working in partnership with the Angelica Free Library, and other county libraries, to increase Allegany County’s representation in the project database.

The database provides searchable full-text and page images of over 400 New York-based newspapers. Individuals interested in browsing or conducting research using titles in the New York State Historic Newspapers database can visit

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