News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

A Quick Note from: Alfred Village Department of Public Works


Water line work, repaving, new water tower planned for Spring 2023

From Jim Ninos, Village Trustee

  • New Water Line – The Village is in the process of replacing waterlines on the South end of the Village.  Property owners residing on High Street, Sayles Street, and Pine Hill Drive have become very familiar with the process. For the most part, piles of dirt have been left on top of the ditch that holds the new waterline which will allow the soil to settle. The project started on Hillcrest Drive with that portion of the project mostly complete, providing a good example of the care that is being taken to return properties to their previous condition.  The contractors will return to replant grass and level the ground in the spring.

Note: High Street, Sayles Street and Pine Hill Drive roads will be repaved. While there remains plenty of clean up to be done, rest assured that it will take place as time and conditions permit.

What’s Next?

  • Starting this spring, the Village will experience a great deal of construction on its streets. The bridge at the traffic light crossing onto Pine Street will begin being replaced.  Preparations for that project have included the removal of some vegetation along the Canacadea Creek.
  • The installation of a new water tower will also begin at the end of Nevins Street and Pine Hill Drive. This will result in the removal of the existing playground, but should not limit vehicular traffic.  Plans for eventual replacement of the Pine Hill playground are underway.
  • The waterline from the village wells in Alfred Station on the Shaw Road will also be replaced. The construction will run along route 244 and into the Village on North Main Street. Once completed this will end the EFC grant that was originally awarded in 2018. Yes, once again, COVID slowed the process.


  • Recently the Village Board will no long permit overnight parking in the municipal lot on West University from November 1st until May 1st.  The change was necessitated due to snow removal in that lot being very difficult for DPW to maintain.

Contact Information

Any concerns dealing with these projects should be directed to Tom Costello, Superintendent of Public Works, or Jim Ninos, Board Trustee, Liaison to the Public Works Department:

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