Mindy Apsokardu talked to the group about “Your True North”
The Monday Club of Wellsville resumed its 2022-2023 program with an opening luncheon at the Wellsville Country Club on September 13.
Twenty-seven members enjoyed the delicious meal, raffles for fall plants and pumpkin decorations, and a time to visit and reconnect after their summer break.
The first regular meeting on September 19 featured guest speaker, Mindy Apsokardu, an outdoorswoman, former teacher, and an MS survivor. Her topic, “Discover Your True North”, not only explained disease symptoms, her diagnosis and progression of MS through 2018 to 2020, remote teaching due to Covid, resignation from teaching, and the move to Angelica.
She spoke of hope, acceptance, and what guides you forward. She opened her Angelica store, Your True North, and brought samples of goods available there.
Her gift to the members was sharing how we can create hope:
Positive mind
Uplifting activities
Practicing forgiveness
Seeking inspiration
Choosing a “hope” mentor
Helping others
Mindy answered many question from members, and left all with a very positive, uplifting, and inspiring example of dealing with a life changing disease. March is MS Awareness Month, and Mindy has donated $2,000 toward ongoing MS research.