News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

"Autumn at Rushford Lake" by John Kucko Digital

Town of Wellsville to meet September 14 at 7pm for monthly meeting, read agenda


By Andrew Harris

The meeting will also include a board update on the Quicklee’s/Tim Horton’s project being planned for the Bolivar Road. The new gas station/convienence store/coffee shop combination is set to be built next to the new Walgreen’s building, across from McDonald’s. Planning and traffic assessments are still underway.

Other items of interest are an update on the FEMA project to manage flooding on the Dykes Creek on the east side town. Some of the final bids on the ongoing construction of the new town building will be on the agenda.

The meeting will take place in the main hanger at the Wellsville Municipal Airport, the towns temporary headquarters.

  1. Pledge to the Flag

3.   Minutes: 08/10/22 Regular Meeting

4.   Community Comment:

5.   Financial Reports

6.   Departmental Reports (*indicates report received)

A. Town Clerk *                                              

B. Dog Control

C. Justice *

D. Fire Department *

E. Assessor *

F. Code Enforcement                                                                          

G Highway *

H. Park *

I. Airport *

J. Planning Board


A. FEMA update and Bid Presentation

B. Bid Awards for concrete work and overhead doors for New Highway Building


A. Resolution for the EBO system

               B. BAN approval amount $160,071.00

10. QUICKLEE’S: Update




            A. Sinclair Water District

               B. Community Development

               C. Solar/Wind Committee

14. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports

  1. P. Graves –
  2. M. Miller –
  3. J. Case –
  4. S. Alsworth – Motion to transfer

15. Executive Session:

16.  Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract # 09

Next Board Meeting: October 12 ,2022 – Regular Meeting

  • Planning Board Meeting: – October 10, 2022 Town
  • Airport Meeting: October 11, 2022
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