News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Pennsylvania-based local news site “Solomon’s Words for the Wise” taken offline


For all you newsy folks who went to visit “Solomon’s” this morning and found an error page, he site has released a statement on Facebook. According to the post, the site has been considered “spam” by the web hosting company Blogger. It isn’t clear if the action taken by Blogger was based on a breech of the hosting agreement or if it was a random automated response. Blogger is a free website platform for many bloggers and owned by Google.

For those who worry that the Wellsville Sun could suffer the same fate: Worry not, this site used a paid website software program, hires local web design professionals, and is independent of Google or the like.

Here is the statement from Solomon’s this morning:

“Blogger has taken down our Solomon’s words for the wise blogsite supposedly as spam. We have requested a review and hopefully it will be quickly restored. In the meantime, we will attempt to post to our Facebook page.”

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