News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Welcome New York Land Quest to the Wellsville Sun team


Land Quest has been in business for 13 years and operates in 30 NY counties

You’ve likely seen Girard Kelly’s signs no matter where you live in upstate NY. The Angelica NY based real estate firm who has established themselves as a premier land and farm agency. Kelly explains the core of the business he founded:


” New York Land Quest has field offices across New York State with licensed real estate agents working in over 30 counties.  Our agents are experienced in helping people buy and sell all types of properties, and specialize in residential homes, land, land and camps, farms, waterfront properties, and commercial properties.  Our real estate marketing professionals, along with our vast network of professional and media connections, ensure the highest quality service in the industry.  We value honesty, straightforwardness and reliability in our business relationships.”

With brokers and properties all over New York, we asked Girard to explain the secret to this firms success:

“We value honesty, straightforwardness and reliability in our business relationships.  When we combine our values with prioritizing clients’ best interests, we believe that everyone succeeds. Our business model is simple:  Local Brokers With a Statewide Presence and a Global Marketing Plan.  We’re here to help you.”

Contact Landquest today:  Girard Kelly, Broker/Owner, 585-466 3446,, or Dan Heisey, Broker/Owner, 607-661-0029,  Visit us online at and check out this new listing!!!

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