News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melissa Scott

Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Meeting Tonight


10 Million dollars in grant money needs you to dream, and participate!

The Wellsville DRI Committee will hold the first of many public meetings on Wednesday, October 20 at 6pm in the Exhibit Room of the David A. Howe Public Library.  Please join the conversation with your thoughts and ideas for revitalizing our business district; this is your chance to share those ideas that have been percolating in your head.  Already have a project slated for 2022-2024?  Please attend and share your vision with the community.

For more information please visit  The Village has also created an email address for ideas, comments, input regarding planned projects, and questions,   

Read Andrew’s “sermon” about this and other opportunities currently emerging in 14895:

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Alfred State Culinary Arts to Host Veterans Day Fall Buffet in Wellsville on 11/11/21

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