News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

COVID issue cancels Wellsville Town Board meeting for tonight


By John Anderson, 10/13/21

The Wellsville Town board meeting has been canceled for tonight as Town Supervisor Shad Alsworth believes he has COVID and is concerned about additional exposures.

Alworth said he has not had an official test at a doctor or pharmacist yet but said he feels like he was hit by a truck and is confident he will be feeling better soon.

“I really need to be careful of the other board members and the public who attend the meetings,” Alsworth said.

Alworth said during a meeting he is not vaccinated, but also has measures in place for public meetings to reduce the spread of COVID.

The meetings are held at the Wellsville Municipal Airport and in a hangar where there is room for the public and board members to be distanced well over six feet. There are some members of the board who have worn masks at the meetings.

Town Clerk Danielle Osgood also alerted the public the 7 p.m. meeting would be canceled because of COVID exposures.

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Jacqueline E. “Jackie” Baker, 85, Wellsville

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