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State officials visit Jones Memorial Hospital to laud expansion and celebrate 100 years of service


By John Anderson, 10/13/21

NY State Senator George Borrello, Jones Memorial Hospital CEO James Helms, and NY State Congressman Joe Giglio celebrate Jones Memorial’s 100th year

With over 400 babies a year being born at Jones Memorial Hospital and now, with the most employees in Allegany County, the hospital is expanding.

The service, expansion and milestone 100th anniversary were celebrated with a visit from State Sen. George M. Borrello and State Assemblyman Joseph M. Giglio on Tuesday.

The elected officials toured the first three floors of the hospital and saw the cancer treatment area and the Dr. Clifton Miller birthing wing.

Jones Memorial Hospital CEO Jim Helms talked about the past during a press conference in the lobby.

“On June 27,1921, Dr. Edwin Comstock, a local surgeon, admitted the first patient to Jones Memorial Hospital,” Helms said. “On July 1, 1921, the Jones Mansion was dedicated to the hospital, a 30-bed facility that saw 450 patients a year and delivered 25 babies.”

Today, Helms said with the support of the community and 100 years later, there are more staff that patients were served the first year.

They deliver almost 400 babies a year.

The hospital has 230 full-time employees and a total of 430 employees.

Borrello and Giglio entered a proclamation into record with the state that listed the officials, board members and hospital volunteers. The document also praised the hospital and its history.

“We’ve been here through the best of times and the worst of times and some of the worst of times has been during the recent pandemic,” Helms said. “We also plan on expanding services to the community and the betterment of the community.”

Borrello said, “It’s great to celebrate a century of the community and the groundbreaking of the expansion which took place back in July. Especially in our rural areas where healthcare has always been a challenge, and now especially so.”

Borrello took the time to read the entire proclamation and talked about his past visits at the hospital.

He added, “This is a great bright spot, not only are you continuing to serve the community, and now you are expanding the facility, and you’ve done it for 100 years.”

Giglio, who has been in the assembly since 2005, is no stranger to visits and supporting Jones Memorial Hospital. 

Giglio said, “You hear what you have done and gone through while I’ve been in the assembly and it’s remarkable how you keep surviving. Past is prolonged to the future. And what happened here 100 years ago will happen over and over again as you not only serve Wellsville but now, pretty much all of the county of Allegany being served. It was their foresight (100 years ago) to let it happen and it will be your foreflight to continue it.”

Helms also welcomed Jones Memorial Board chair Richard Ewell and Foundation Chair Samatha Gilkey and the associates who attended the press conference in the lobby. The Wellsville Sun attended the tour and Helms had a chance to sit in the boardroom and discuss other hospital successes and needs with Borrello and Giglio.

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