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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

The Golden Crone: Know Your Energy


From The Golden Crone, 8/30/21

“Yes I know my enemies. They’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.”- Rage Against the Machine

  In 1992, when Know Your Enemy charged radio waves, apathy hung in the atmosphere like ‘89s Aquanet. Cobain’s sweater, perfectly pilled, graced stadium stages, and the kids were Over It.

  Revolution. Glam. Hungover hedonists. The war on drugs. Americans were in a funk that not even George Clinton could shake. We needed raw, real, fury; justified anger and someone to take it out on. Artists like Rage Against the Machine and N.W.A. shined a spotlight on street life; illuminating violence at home so brightly that the image burned into the mind of a blue eyed girl in the northern Appalachia.

  And fight we did. Riots, war, shock and awe. Consciousness illuminated by explosions. Thirty years later the embers glow in each of us as we jab at the establishment, fake news; one another. We cast a net and dragged in the beast. The subjugator, the Enemy. When the cloak pulled away and revealed a mirror we didn’t even notice. Our differences had taken such a hold in our minds, that we could only see the Other.

  I propose the time has come to name the beast. To cease fire. To rise. Yes, I know my energy. I’m the teacher who taught me to love me. Unity, prosperity, equality, accountability, all of which are American dreams.

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