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By Cindy El-Gaaly

Words From Wiser: River Poem


For well over 300 days of the year the Genesee River is a gentle, quiet, peaceful and restful place to visit anywhere from its start in Gold, PA. to its end in Rochester, NY. Along the way there are many picturesque places to visit and see its beauty. Occasionally the storms turn it into a raging torrent and it can be a dangerous place for those not familiar with it, nor cautious in their use of it. Thankfully two recent dangerous events ended safely, thanks to good fortune and the expertise and diligence of our Emergency Responders. I penned these words during some of her more “Gentle” moments.

Gentle River

This gentle river, that flows by me Is headed North, not toward the sea

A spring of Gold, becomes a stream Who knows its fate, what would one dream

Thru hills and valleys, its path to forge That over time, becomes a gorge

Its scenic beauty is next to none Its lore is known to everyone

Thru centuries, its storied past Has Mem’ries made, that long will last

The Native tribes, would be the first To taste its waters, quenching thirst

Now thru the years, its fame has grown And passed to all, to call their own

Roll on sweet river, for all to see This gentle river, the Genesee

Chuck Wiser, Spring 2016

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