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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Allegany County Democrats Donate to Dist. IV Air Truck Fund


Accepting the donation is Bryan Dodge, District IV Coordinator from Mark Holt, Vice Chair of the Allegany County Democratic Committee

From ACDC,

BELMONT, NY — At its May meeting, the Allegany County Democratic Committee (ACDC) learned from member Walter Mason of Alfred that the four volunteer fire departments in Allegany County District IV (Alfred, Almond, Andover, and Alfred Station) were raising funds to replace a truck.

The district owns and maintains an air truck with cascade system that is used to fill and refill SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) air bottles.  Local volunteer firefighters wear these as needed to fight interior and exterior fires, search buildings for people, and protect themselves from breathing smoke and carcinogens.  

Main Street Wellsville NY

Mr. Mason, who is a member of the A.E. Crandall Hook and Ladder Company, explained that this truck must be replaced, and that District IV organized a raffle to raise funds for this purpose. The goal was $10,000.

In addition to ACDC members buying many raffle tickets on their own, the committee held a mini-fundraiser and was able to donate an additional $385.00 to the cause.

At its August 7th District IV meeting in Andover, Bryan Dodge, past Chief of the Alfred Station Fire Department and District IV Coordinator, accepted the donation from ACDC Vice Chair Mark Holt of Andover.  Mr. Dodge remarked, “The donation is greatly appreciated and will help fund repairs and future replacement of the air truck.”   If you’d like to donate, please contact any of the four fire departments in Dist. IV (Alfred, Almond, Andover, and Alfred Station.)

This donation is just one of the many ways local Democrats serve our community. To learn more, visit, or contact us at 585-610-4321,, or  on ) or Threads  (  ) 

The Allegany County Democratic Committee is the official governing body for the County Party, working toward broader representation by Democrats at the local, state, and national levels.

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