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By Cindy El-Gaaly

Going to California: Zakk Ueblacker’s rock n roll dream come true is a group effort


Ueblacker is traveling to Los Angeles to play guitar at “Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp”

By Andrew Harris

Behind every great rock n roll guitar player is a great story. Zakk’s started just over a week ago when he was chosen to attend “Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp” in L.A.. The trip would put him in the practice room with many legendary rock guitar gods from bands like LA. Guns and Black Sabbath, with a chance to perform live at legendary stages like the “Whiskey Go Go,” and the “Viper Room.”

Zakk was pumped, his parents were thrilled, but who has about six thousand bucks handy for unexpected musical adventures to the west coast ?

“WE DO!!” exclaimed the Ueblacker’s family, friends, and nieghbors.

Like a made for television rockumentary, a group effort included a last minute party at the Scio Rod and Gun Club. The guitarist didn’t just entertain the crowd with his chops but he also helped cook the spaghetti dinner and clean up after the party.

Zakk’s mom, was blown away by how supportive her family, friends, and larger Allegany County community were. She was particularly impressed with Zakk’s friends and peer group:

“The coolest thing I saw out of all of this was the way zakks peers responded this past week. Eager & willing to help. Examples:

  • 12 year old won the 50/50 & was super excited to get it and gave it to Zakk to get him to California.
  • 15 year old won the pick a square. Also eager and overjoyed to give it to zakk. Zakk replied with classic rock n roll style, “no man that’s your money you won it. You’ve already helped me alot.” The kid insisted 💙
  • 11 year old Lukas and 12 year old Darrell spent 4 hours straight in the hot kitchen preparing noodles. They were excited to serve people pasta dinners. “It was fun like a restaurant”.

Today’s youth willingness to help others is truly inspirational.”

At the camp Zakk will have three days of learning from mentors such as Derek St Holmes, Bruce Kulick, Todd Morse, Vinnie Appice, Britt Lightning and more (they are from some of his favorite bands/artists like Ted Nugent, Kiss, Black Sabbath, and Dio.) After the learning and playing together the guitarists all do a performance together.

Learn a little more about Zakk and his love for music from the application his mom Heather submitted to the prestigious camp for her son:

“I’d like to nominate my son Zakkary Ueblacker. His love for music and guitar is like no other. Guitar literally saved his life. He struggled for many years with severe anxiety preventing him from being a kid and doing many “kid things”. He picked up a guitar one day 5ish years ago and literally has not put that thing down. We joke and say it’s his 3rd arm. But joking aside music is his passion. It’s his air. He’s in 10th grade now but is determined to go to college to learn more on how to bring the world happiness and color through music. This camp would be a huge asset on his college applications. He’s created his own band playing 70s and 80s rock and alternative cover songs. He literally found all his band mates, creates the playlists, schedules the practices, makes sure everyone has rides etc… His goal is always to make sure everyone is having fun and happy. He’s taken song writing classes with musicians much more experienced (by 30-50 years) than him whom were very encouraging and helpful to him. His urge to learn more is strong. Hes really into all genres of music but gears towards blues and 80s rock. His influencers range from Zakk Wylde to Jimi Hendrix to Kenny Wayne Shephard and many more. He performs at open mic night weekly at our local coffee shop with other talented musicians and his band plays local parties (donating their time). He’s highly active in school in band and takes standard notation lessons from a local musician & teacher Adam Stack whose helping him work on a blues piece for when he attends solo festival this May. I think this would be a dream come true, once in a lifetime experience for the lucky winner and hope you consider Zakkary in your drawing. Oh I forgot to mention the camp is 5 days before his 16th birthday! How cool would that be. Literally a dream come true.”

Zakk is already in California with fellow guitarist and grandfather Mike Perkins. The pair have playing together for years now and the trip is a rock n roll adventure they will never forget.

Grandpa Mike and Zakk on the red-eye to L.A

Heather Ueblecker wanted to give a big shout out to some of the special people who made this milestone happen:

“Specific thanks for providing their time (in no particular order): Emma McDowell, Julia Davenport, Jen Haxton, Julia Davenport, Leigha Rhoulo, Jessica Burdick, Laura Manners, Jackie Faulkner, Linda Stevens, Arron Wixson, Bonnie Perkins, James Babcock, Greg Brink, Darrell Ueblacker, Avery Lamberson, Lukas Haxton, Daniel Lamberson, Avery Lamberson, Oakley Burleson, Gary Briggs, Noah Roberts, Jeffrey Brewster, Tyler Wilkins.

Extra special thanks to: Jan Talbett, Julia Davenport, Alyssa & Arron Wixon, and Nichole Neary (they know why)”

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