News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County legislature leadership will remain unchanged in 2024


Harris and Demick will retain Chair and Vice-Chair roles

By Andrew Harris

Without any overt debate over performance, without any scandals, and just after delivering a healthy tax cut to Allegany County taxpayers, Chairman W. Brooke Harris and Vice-Chairman Kevin “Fred” Demick are set to lead the 2024 legislature.

A January 2 annual organizational meeting of the Allegany County Legislature is planned to re-appoint Harris and Demick. From Brenda Rigby Riehle, Clerk of the Board:

“The Organization Meeting of the Board of Legislators will be held on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of selecting a Chairman of the Board and such other officers as may be needed, and for the conduct of any business which may properly come before any regular meeting of said Board.  The meeting will be livestreamed at:

Once Harris is sworn into office again, the role of Chairman begins with committee assignments. Allegany County government works on a system of focused committees like Public Works, Public Safety, or Personnel. Those committees work toward a consensus with what is “on their table” and move that to the larger legislative body for debate, approval, or disapproval.

Selecting legislators to both lead those committees and serve on them is a big job and we will report on the decision from Chairman Harris in early 2024.

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