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Wellsville duo support Smith for Wellsville Town Highway Supervisor


“Brian Smith is a stand-up citizen of our community”

Letter to the Editor:

It has come to light that a current candidate running against our Current Highway Superintendent is spreading disinformation. We are unaware of where he is getting this information but it is filled with incorrect information. So, we would like to fill the community with some truthful information.

Our Current Highway Superintendent Brian Smith is a stand-up citizen of our community. He has not only served our Country with many years of service but he also has served many years of Community Service in the Fire Department and Ambulance Corp for the Wellsville Community.

Mr. Smith has worked for the Town of Wellsville for 30 Year and takes his job seriously and not with a grain of salt. Since he has taken over for the Highway Department, it now runs like a well-oiled machine. He has taken into consideration that over several years of previous administration monies not being spent wisely and over the last two years lowered the budget concerning the Highway Department. Over the last two years he has played catch up on highway infrastructure due to lack of previous administration not keeping up on these tasks. 

Brian Smith is a stand-up man, running for this position for the RIGHT REASONS. He is not one to sit here and feed the community with bullsh*t and lies. Electing someone else into this position would be an absolute mistake for this community. Brian has worked hard with his team in making the infrastructure in The Town of Wellsville better and safe for the community. He has also worked alongside the Town Board and other entities involved in the New Municipal building to ensure that things are moving as swiftly as humanly possible. There have been many hiccups along the way with the Municipal Building some out of the control of the Staff of the Town of Wellsville.

We are asking for the support of the community for the Town of Wellsville in Electing Brian Smith again as your Highway Superintendent. Thank you.

Damon Davis

Danielle Osgood

Wellsville NY


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