News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Great news! Jones has reached the $2 MILLION goal for the capital campaign!


CEO James Helms: “I am extremely grateful…”

Several members of the Jones Memorial Hospital staff gathered to thank everyone who donated to the Transformation and Modernization Project. The campaign recently surpassed the $2 MILLION mark and the project should be completed by the fall of 2023.

Jones Memorial Hospital’s Capital Campaign has surpassed its $2 million goal! Over 30 donors have committed $25,000 or more to the project, making them Cornerstone Donors.

“With the latest Cornerstone Donor commitment of $100,000 we are actually very close to $2.1 million,” said James Helms, CEO at Jones. “Our community recognizes the impact this project will have on Allegany County as well as the surrounding areas and the healthcare options that will be available right here, close to home. We are thrilled that they came through with the support that was needed.”

The Transformation and Modernization project includes a third-floor addition that will add over 14,000 square feet of clinical space, as well as more than 4,000 square feet of renovations that expand the surgical department, and a permanent, fixed MRI tower with three levels of clinical space. Increases in construction costs and enhancements to the project beyond the original plan, left a gap of $2 million between the cost of the project and the amount of the grant.

Cherokee Burnell, one of the employee’s who donated to the campaign, said her inspiration to give to the project was the spirit of teamwork in the Surgical Services area, where she works. “My co-workers have made me feel so welcome and part of the team since I started,” she explained. “When I saw the project would expand and update the OR, I knew I wanted to donate as a way to thank them for their support.”

Mr. Helms credits the success of the capital campaign to the Campaign Executive Committee, which was chaired by Rich Shear of Wellsville.  Also serving on the committee Dr. Heather Lanphere, Dr. Paul Axtell, Jack Emrick, Jeff Ely, Larry Clark, Karol Marciano, and Samantha Gilkey. “This committee worked so hard to get us to our goal,” he said. “They not only donated generously to the campaign, but they donated even more of their time and talents to the cause.  I am extremely grateful for all their work.”

Jones Foundation Coordinator Jodi Pearson noted how grateful the hospital is to all the donors who made this project a success. “What a privilege to have a front row seat to see the way our community cares and comes together – it is truly amazing to watch,” she said. “We hope our donors realize that because of their generosity, healthcare in our area will be greatly improved for many years to come.”

There is still time to participate in this exciting effort! To find out how you can be part of this project, please contact Foundation Coordinator Jodi Pearson at (585) 596-2053 or email If you would like to make an on-line gift, you will find a link on our website: Your support is vital and very much appreciated.

Read our reporting earlier this year about the project with a video of key construction benchmarks:

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