News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Northern Lights over Genesee PA, by Kristine Smith

Allegany County Public Safety Report


Mutual aid to Erie County detailed, county jail and 911 emergency data

Michael T. Baldwin Reports

The Public Defender’s Office received 115 applications between October 22 and November 22. Seventy-six new files were opened and 32 were sent to conflicts. Of the new cases, one was a violent felony, 6 were felonies and the vast majority, 49, were misdemeanor cases.

From County Emergency Manager Jeff Luckey:

Due to the recent winter storm and significant snowfall that affected Erie County resources were requested from our County by Erie County Deputy Fire Commissioner through Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC). Allegany County deployed fire departments to assist multiple departments in Erie County from November 19 – 21. This is done through our contiguous counties statewide mutual aid plan for Emergency Management and through our contiguous counties mutual aid for Fire departments. We had eight departments deploy to six different areas of Erie County along with a County Deputy Coordinator with them. They covered calls in those towns and communities. This coverage allowed fellow Brothers and Sisters to return to their homes for rest and to their families after responding for 35-40 hours straight. Six Departments were deployed for 24 hours and two departments were deployed for almost 48 hours. I, as Emergency Manager, went as mutual aid for the EOC in Erie County to relieve my counter parts who had been there for twenty-four plus hours.

Assistant District Attorney Ian Jones reports 23 new felony cases were opened in November, compared to 28 the prior month. The Office worked on 47 misdemeanor cases and 230 Violation cases in November. So far this year, there have been 214 felony cases, 498 misdemeanor cases and 1,392 Violation cases

From Gilbert Green, Director of Weights and Measures:

November activities: I checked scales at 3 large grocery stores (Wellsville, Cuba) and 2 small stores (Canaseraga, Black Creek). I finished the last hardware scales (Belmont, Wellsville). I checked scales at several small businesses (Caneadea, Black Creek). I scheduled a vehicle scale in Belfast. I checked a bulk tank and coordinated with DFA technician. The rest of the year will be filled with paperwork for yearly reports. I traveled approximately 800 miles in the month.

Allegany County Sheriff Rick Whitney reports that the Office generated about $65,430 in revenue for housing Federal incarcerated individuals in November. The average daily jail population was 69. The Civil Division served 93 civil processes and collected various undertakings totaling $28,050.07 October 21, 2022 through November 20, 2022. Whitney noted…”At the time of this report we have no officers or incarcerated individuals who are COVID positive.”

The Allegany County 911 Center processed 5,244 calls for service from October 24-November 29. Here is the breakdown:

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