Donations, feed, and loving homes wanted
From the folks at the SPCA:
Well….It’s been a bit ‘hog wild’ at the SPCA as we now have close to 30 pot-belly pigs/Juliana mixes…we have adults and some piglets…and of course some pregnant mommas too!!! We can honestly say we are never ‘boared’ at the SPCA….and hopefully these piggies don’t break the piggy bank…as they are always wanting to ‘pig out’!!! And sometimes they get a little ‘porky’ when they are hungry!!!

SO…If you are interested in helping out…we are in need of pig food – pellets are preferred by our ‘oinkers’!! Of course monetary donations are always welcomed – as we have veterinary expenses. If you are in the ‘market’ to adopt – just contact us at 585-593-2200 ext 2 or email us at
Don’t miss this affordable home for sale in Friendship NY! Hardwood floors and a fireplace!