News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Belmont Rotary hosts District Governor for inspiring speech


On Wednesday evening, July 6th, the Rotary Clubs of Belmont, Wellsville, and Friendship welcomed District Governor Ralph Brandt to a joint meeting.  Assistant Governor, Dirk Knapp, introduced our Governor with highlights of his Rotary life and a bit of his personal history.  DG Ralph spoke to the Rotarians and their guests about the workings of the Foundation, membership, fundraising, and his goals for the year.  We were honored to host the Governor and share in Rotary fellowship.  We were inspired by DG Ralph to make this Rotary year one of the best.  Thanks to all in attendance and to Off Duty for the great meal.

Don’t forget to mark the calendar for the Rotary sponsored Amity Daze!!!

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