News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Public Meeting Thursday On Potter County Land Ordinance


Michael T. Baldwin reports,

Potter County Planning Commission (PCPC) members will be updating and revising the county’s Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) in the coming months. A public meeting to discuss the project is planned for 5:30 pm Thursday, April 21, in the Gunzburger Building Auditorium. Commissioners Nancy Grupp, Barry Hayman and Paul Heimel recently approved a $24,000 contract with professional consultant Denny Puko to advise PCPC. Most of his fee is covered by a state grant. Recommendations by the Planning Commission and its consultant will eventually be submitted to the commissioners for adoption. Additional public input opportunities will be announced.

Much of the advance work has already been completed during development of the Potter County Comprehensive Plan 2020-29. That detailed document reflects comments from hundreds of county residents in developing priorities and values for community and economic development during the decade. A copy of the plan is available online here.

Through the SALDO, the county government regulates land development within a framework dictated by state legislation. Goal of the ordinance is to protect public health and safety, maintain community standards, avoid conflicting land uses, and support orderly growth and economic development. Potter County’s SALDO has not undergone a thorough revision in more than a decade. Its revisions will reflect recent statutory changes and case law, as well as land development needs and regulatory practices. Plan review and enforcement practices need to be matched to current administrative capacity and updated for users. Planning Director Will Hunt will spearhead the project. Planning Commission members, appointed by the commissioners, are Rance Baxter (chair), Curt Weinhold, Katie Sasala, Bob Wicker, Helen Turner, Dr. Mike Callahan and Candace Hillyard.

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