Recent committee meetings highlight the work of several key county departments
By Andrew Harris
Our county government has many responsibilities in the public safety realm, most of them operate without the fanfare of arrest reports or commendations. To see the work being done by everyone from the crime prevention to incarceration, a look at the Public Safety committee provides a pretty good insight.
Brian Perkins, STOP-DWI Coordinator and Youth Bureau Director provided the committee with a regular update on his efforts with Victim Impact Panels, Traffic Safety, Bicycle Safety, and the Save a Life tour.
J.R. Santana Carter from the Public Defender’s office provides this data on the last month of work from his office:

Jeff Luckey, Emergency Management and Fire Director, keeps a near daily log of his agencies activities. He also submitted a request for a EMS Medical Director is an imperative for the county plan to create a EMS Advisory Board.

Carissa Knapp, County Administrator, introduced the request to form a new EMS Advisory Board. That new board can be summarized by some of the details within the resolution:
- That there is hereby created an EMS Advisory Board in and for the County of Allegany to be known as the “Allegany County EMS Advisory Board.”
- That the membership of the Allegany County EMS Advisory Board shall consist of not less than five (5) nor more than twenty-one (21) members. The Allegany EMS Coordinator, if any, shall be appointed to such Board. A member of the Allegany County Board of Legislators may be appointed as a member of the Allegany County EMS Advisory Board. The members of such board shall serve without compensation.
- That the regular members of the Allegany County EMS Advisory Board shall be nominated by the Chairman of the Board of Legislators, and shall be appointed by a resolution of the Board of Legislators.
- That the members of the Allegany County EMS Advisory Board shall serve for a term of two (2) years, except that the members initially appointed shall serve from the effective date of their appointment until December 31, 2023. A vacancy in the membership of a Board member shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the balance of the unexpired term during which the vacancy occurs.
- That the Allegany County EMS Advisory Board shall cooperate with appropriate state agencies in relation to such programs for EMS training, EMS-related activities, and mutual aid; to act as an advisory body to the Allegany County Board of Legislators and to the Allegany County EMS Coordinator, if any, in connection with the County’s participation in such programs for EMS training, EMS-related activities, and mutual aid and mutual aid programs in cases of emergencies in which the services of EMS providers would be used; and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed in relation to EMS training, EMS-related activities, and mutual aid in cases of emergencies in which the services of EMS providers would be used.
- That the Allegany County EMS Advisory Board shall issue an annual report to the Allegany County Board of Legislators no later than March 1 of the proceeding year.
Keith Slep, District Attorney, submitted this monthly report to the committee along with a Request to Create and Fill 3rd Assistant District Attorney.

Robert Starks, Probation Director, provided his monthly data along with a summary of the departments work in March:
-I attended a NYSCOPA Planning & Research committee meeting in Utica on 3/3/22
-I spoke to the Student Government class on 3/7/22
-I attended the Area 1 Council of Probation Administrator’s virtual meeting on 3/8/22.
-I attended the virtual Child Advocacy Center’s Safe Harbor meeting on 3/8/22
-I attended the Department Head in-person meeting on 3/10/22.
-I attended the CAC Case Review meeting on 3/15/22.
-I attended the Sexual Assault /Domestic Violence Response Teams virtual meeting on 3/17/22.
-I participated in the Meals on Wheels Program ride-along event on 3/22/22 Board virtual meeting on 2/17/22.
–I attended the District Attorney’s Office Victims Recognition Awards ceremony on 3/25/22.
-Supervisor Scott Grantier presented a workshop on “Verbal Judo” to the ACCESS Allegany bus drivers on 3/26/22
-I attended the TICTAC virtual meeting on 3/28/22
Gilbert Green, Weights & Measures Director, is always busy keeping everything fair and square in Allegany County. His report to the committee was submitted although Green was unable to attend:
It would have been nice to be out and about for the whole month.
It was possible between weather and service and repairs to my truck.
I scheduled truck scale (Suite-Kote) April 21 in Belmont and one scheduled for May 12 in Cuba (Dolomite).
Will be scheduling scales at Crown-Y recycling in Cuba. I held a couple meetings at Maple Tree Inn.
I inspected scales a grocery store and numerous small stores and businesses.
New York State Weights & Measures executive meeting was held in Syracuse and many topics were covered for our training school in July.
Western Group of New York State Weights & Measures is scheduled for a meeting April 20.
I traveled approximately 700 miles in the month.
Any questions please call Ride alongs always welcome

Last but certainly a key element of Public Safety in Allegany County is the report from Rick Whitney, County Sheriff, pictured here with his wife Lois. His monthly report was robust this month as you can see below. The Sheriff also asked the committee to approve a request to fill key job in the county jail.
- Generated approximately $54,360.00 in revenue for housing Federal incarcerated individuals
- Average daily population was 54
- Average housed in 17
- Average local incarcerated individuals 37
- 27 incarcerated individuals were booked into the facility (20M / 7F)
- 27 incarcerated individuals were released (20M / 7F)
- Average daily population was 54
(The above figures are for Febuary 24 – March 30, 2022)
- In addition to the regular county committee meetings Sheriff Whitney also attended the following meetings and /or events:
- March 3rd : Pheasant program Board meeting
- March 4th : 21st Century Grant Advisory Council meeting at Andover school
- March 8th : Allegany E-MDT meeting (Elder-Multiple Disciplinary Team)
- March 10th : BOCES Criminal Justice Tour
- March 15th : PPAC Coalition meeting (Partners for Prevention Allegany County)
- March 17th – SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) DVHRT (Domestic Violence High Risk Team)
- March 17th : PPAC Environmental Strategies Committee meeting
- March 18th : Meeting with Capt. Keller (Cattaraugus Co. Sheriff’s Office)
- March 21st : Elected Official Zoom meeting with Senator Borrello
- March 22nd : Traffic Safety Board
- March 25th : Contact Radio Show with Bob Mangels
- March 25th : DA’s Office Crime Victims Award Ceremony
- March 28th : BOCES Student Government class Tour
- The Civil Division served 57 civil processes and collected various undertakings totaling $29,686.74 February 21, 2022 through March 20, 2022. (see attached report).
- We are processing handgun permit applications and amendments by appointment and have now reopened our lobby for walk-in services, enforcing current county safety protocols. Our office also attended the Andover gun show to process purchases.
- At the time of this report we have no officers or inmates who are positive. We have one officer off do to post-COVID complications. We continue to follow all current state and local COVID related guidelines.
- On March 10th we hosted the BOCES Criminal Justice class for a tour of the facility and answered questions about our office.
- On March 25th we hosted the DA’s Office Crime Victims Award ceremony. Undersheriff Cicirello was awarded the J. Thomas Fuoco Memorial award and Sheriff Whitney the 2022 Leadership award. Also Officer PJ Sherman received the Law Enforcement award and Heather Mekkelson the Lori Borden Memorial award.

- On March 28th we hosted the BOCES Student Government class for a tour of the facility and answered questions about our office.
On March 3oth : Sheriff Whitney and Undersheriff Cicirello attended the county radio committee meeting.