Enjoy some “Peanuts,” April 1 and 2 in BRCS Auditorium
The Bolivar-Richburg Central School (BRCS) Music & Theatre Department will be presenting the Broadway musical “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” on Friday, April 1st and Saturday, April 2nd.
Under the direction of Choral Director Andrea Harris, the musical follows the beloved characters of the Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schultz.
Charlie Brown and Linus open the show talking to each other in their familiar way. “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, Charlie Brown,” Linus says. “After all, science has shown that a person’s character isn’t really established until he’s at least 5 years old.”
“But I am five. I’m more than five,” laments Charlie Brown.
“Oh, well, that’s the way it goes,” says Linus.
As the show advances, more of the “Peanuts” gang join in the fun: Patty, Schroeder, Lucy, and Snoopy. The production will bring back many sweet memories for those who grew up reading the comic strip, including Lucy’s infatuation with Schroeder and her perverse joy at tormenting Charlie Brown, Linus’s love of his blanket, Snoopy’s rich world of imagination, and, of course, Charlie Brown’s hopeless love-at-a-distance of the mysterious little redheaded girl.
“This is an incredible show with many fun and insightful characters,” commented assistant director Armenio Suzano. “We’ve had an amazing support from the BRCS Music Boosters Club, led by Beth Weekley, Karen Martin, and Heather Youngs. The students are so committed and excited–it makes the whole experience very special!”
Tickets are $5 per person with children under 10 able to attend free of charge. Performances will take place at 7:00 p.m. on April 1 and 2 in the auditorium at the Jr./Sr. High Building in Bolivar. For more information or to order tickets, contact the BRCS Office at (585) 928-2561 or Ms. Harris via email at aharris@bolivarrichburg.org.