News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Christmas Silver Tea Completes Monday Club’s Fall Schedule


By Doris MacFarquhar

The Monday Club of Wellsville will hold its final fall meeting, the Christmas Silver Tea, on December 6th, in the beautifully decorated rooms at the David A. Howe Library.  With traditional tea service, plates of desserts, nuts,  and sweets, the ladies will enjoy time together visiting during this special event.  Final Library donations are made. Monday Club meetings resume in early April.   

A famous local business presented the program on November 8th, when Jim and Mike Raptis recapped the long and successful history of the Texas Hot, a family enterprise now 100 years old.  Jim detailed the family migration from Greece, earlier businesses, and family  involvement, children learning the business, following in the parents’ footsteps.  Parades and celebrations were held on 60th and 70th anniversaries,  and they have received many awards and been featured in newspaper articles.  Appreciation was expressed for the wonderful support of family, long-time employees, and faithful customers.  Jim and Mike brought many photo albums and memorabilia for members to enjoy. 

On November 15th, Mona Carbone presented a wellness related topic, “Keeping Our Bones Healthy”.    She represented UR/JMH  in discussing nutrition, exercise, supplements, and specific changes in bone mass at different ages, as well as relating bone health to heart health.  She urged following the many tips discussed to promote healthier aging, and supplied a clever, illustrated informational handout for each member. 

On November 29th, members held their final  business meeting following a book review led by Joyce Krupnik.  She guided  members in discussing the selection, “The Book of Lost Names”, by Kristin Hamel.  The story is set during  the Second World War,  and involves concentration camps, personal relationships, love, trust,  and betrayal.  Readers shared favorite parts,  quotes, and responses to Joyce’s questions about the significant parts of the  book, a story  worth reading and well enjoyed by the members.   

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