By Andrew Harris, 10/23/21
This morning a family member of Mike Edwards, owner of Hot Diggity Dogs and Mama’s Smokin BBQ, wrote to the Wellsville Sun about a recent political endorsement, questioning its authenticity. They had contacted Mike about the endorsement and they reported that, “I shared it with him via screen shot and he has no idea where that came from. Nothing he said or endorsed.”
With just a little more investigation and information from other family members, the Wellsville Sun can confirm that Mike Edwards did not write the endorsement or give any permission for it to be published.
On October 5th, Dibble sent this email to this publication:
“Hi Andrew,
Attached is a “Letter to the Editor” from Mike Edwards. I would
appreciate it if you would put in your Wellsville Sun. Thanks.
Bill Dibble “
At the time of this publishing, Edwards was unavailable for a comment and we are attempting to reach Dibble for an explanation. Stay tuned for the full story later today with reaction from Edwards, Dibble, and we who have been apparently bamboozled.
We’ve updated the headline but left the letter in question on the site as a matter of public information. Again, Mike Edwards has communicated through trusted family sources that he DID NOT provide this endorsement.