Allegany County high school seniors and graduates in college can apply for 2022-2023 year ACAF scholarships starting on November 1.
The foundation manages 45 scholarship programs and for this current academic year awarded $305,000 to students in two and four year colleges, vocational and trade programs, and graduate school. Many awards are open to any student, while others are designated for certain high schools, colleges, or academic programs.
ACAF is an affiliate of the Dollars for Scholars (DFS) program and uses the DFS online application. This single application is used to determine eligibility for all foundation scholarships. Students can access the application through the ACAF website (Scholarships tab-Online Application-Student and Parents tab) or access the link below
The application will stay open into early February (early application appreciated) and scholarship review will take place in February/March. Scholarships are evaluated through a blind process. That is, student identifying information is removed before review. Recipients will be notified in April.
Questions about scholarships can be directed to Bruce Campbell at ACAF; 585-296-5616 or