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SPCA 27th Annual Theme Basket Auction this Friday and Saturday in Wellsville


Donations accepted Thursday and Friday at the “Kmart” plaza

Hurry…Hurry….if you are thinking about donating a basket time is running out and the clock is ticking. We are accepting donations all day long on Thursday and Friday morning. Our work group of volunteers have been busy planning our 27th annual Theme Basket Auction.. This is our largest fundraiser and we hope to make our 27th Annual auction even more successful!

Since our event has been growing each year, we will be located in the former K-Mart store in the Riverwalk Plaza located in Wellsville. AND as we had done last year we are extending our hours on BOTH Friday and Saturday!! Friday we start at 3pm until 9pm and on Saturday from 9am until 5pm!!

We are graciously accepting Theme Basket donations, so if you would like to donate a Theme Basket just call the shelter at 585-593-2200 or visit us online at for more information. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates. You can also email us at

As always, we have convenient locations to drop off your baskets at, such as First Citizens Community Bank in Wellsville and the ALCO Federal Credit Union branches located in Wellsville, Belmont, Friendship and Cuba. If you cannot drop off a basket during the day, call or email us and we will come pick it up.

Along with the hundreds of baskets, and our Specialty Items, we have back by popular demand the MAN CAVE section and another section just for kids called the KIDS CORNER!! Every year both of these sections grow even more with some fabulous items!!

So please join us and our furry friends on October 15th from 3pm – 9pm and on Saturday, October 16th from 9am-5pm at the former K-Mart store in the Riverview Plaza in Wellsville. Stop in to bid on some fantastic prizes, shop around and enjoy some delicious food as we will have food trucks set up in the parking lot. As always, we have an array of Theme Baskets and many creative and unique Theme Baskets this year, so there is always something for everyone!

We all thank you for your continued support…Especially your furry friends at the SPCA!!!

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