News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

News from the Fassett Greenspace


Wellsville High School Helps Out, Plenty of Fresh Food Still Available for Harvest

By Andrew Harris, 10/7/21

It has been a great year for the “Greenspace” on Main Street Wellsville! The gardens have been full of vegetables and herbs for ANYONE to harvest for free. You can often see young kids, and adults, playing tunes on the outdoor musical instruments. The Little Free Library is getting more use than ever as local book worms ‘put and take’ literature many times every day. A newly installed “Shadespace” area has been a favorite hangout and will also act as a fruit garden in years to come. Volunteers planted white currants, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries this season.

Yesterday the latest contributors to this community project showed up bright and early to start winding down the season. Wellsville High School students spent a few hours clearing out the corn and other crops that are finished. Students did a great job removing lots of the little weeds creeping through the walkways and saved the strawberry plot from an invasion of wild peas. Thanks Lions!! It was great to have you helping out and hope to see you again soon!

The Rocket Arugala in the foreground, salad greens behind them, waiting to be part of your next amazing salad

Don’t forget, these gardens are for YOU!! Cherry tomatoes are still ripening, evening still flowering! Both green and yellow wax beans are ready for harvest, lots of celery, and a funny crop of mini sweet peppers and eggplants! A newly planted patch of salad greens is ready for harvest, with several varieties of lettuce available. And don’t miss the rocket arugala!! It is planted next to the lettuce patch and this ancient green is unlike any other flavor. Arugala can be eaten raw in a salad if you want the spicy after taste, or cooked down like spinach and tossed into a pasta dinner.

Last but not least is the herb circle. The raised bed that directly surrounds the William Underhill water fountain sculpture is full of fresh herbs!! All of these herbs are ready for harvest, be it for fresh use or to be dried. Sage, lemon balm, lavender, garlic chives, parsley, cilantro, dill, thyme, and many more. Please feel free to visit the “Herb Circle,” and stock up on herbs for your favorite winter soups!!

ALCO is a proud supporter of the Fassett Greenspace

The Fassett Greenspace is operated by Art For Rural America, a non-profit corporation. Volunteers and donations are always needed so please visit their website to connect and join the effort!

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