News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Words From Wiser: What Our Backyard Brings


Poetry and Pictures From Chuck Wiser, 8/29/21

What can I see from our backyard, so close the Genesee?

Though quite a way and many trees there’s much that I can see.

The river forms a boundary with feeder stream Knights Creek.

Between the two lives wildlife, a haven for to seek.

Tho’ some may live there through the year, for some just summer home.

The winter’s home for deer and fox, for others time to roam.

In Spring come migrants on the wing, and even sleeping bear.

The Card’nals still a year around, their territory share.

The welcome sight come Orioles. The Grosbeaks with them too.

And soon to us will share their young, to bless our backyard zoo.

With those who travel near and far to view these wondrous things.

I share their wonder but our joy, is what our backyard brings.

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