News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

‘Art Within Art’ This Saturday August 8th With A Dance Performance At The Fassett Greenspace


From The Editor, 8/3/21

For frequent travelers of Main Street Wellsville NY, you may have noticed a troupe of dancers floating around the Fassett Greenspace. While it would be great to just see people dancing spontaneously on Main Street, this was carefully planned and designed by a local dance professional, Kate Martelle. This dance was created and produced by Martelle with help from the folks at the Fassett Greenspace.

Choreographer Kate Martelle of Wellsville explains the dance in some detail:

“The overall theme of the piece is hope and rising again. Which is quite fitting for this time in the world honestly. We’re starting to emerge from a dark time. And what better example of that than a garden. I wanted the movement to bring the space to life like plants dancing in the wind. This is a special space and it’s been really fun to work with it. It truly is a character of its own. In a way, the garden is our 7th dancer.”

This video of rehearsals from Martelle gives you an idea of what to expect from the full performance:

Dancing at the Greenspace

Cassandra Bull, who designed the labyrinth style garden which the dancers are using as the platform, had this to say about the realization of this, ‘art within art’, at the Fassett Greenspace:

“This event epitomizes why we built this community space. We built it for other groups to utilize, to enjoy, and to make art with. I had always imagined a dance piece in the garden, but didn’t have the time or expertise to make it happen. When Kate approached me with the same idea I knew it would be a perfect collaboration.

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