News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Alfred Village Board of Trustees Meeting Tonight, July 13, 2021


Meeting Convenes: 7:30 p.m.

1. Meeting Opening 

2. Land Acknowledgement Statement 

3. Pledge of Allegiance 

4. Announcements 

5. Guests (5 minutes each) 

6. Board approval of Minutes 

7. New Business 

a. Community Development Block Grant Agreement 

b. Community Development Block Grant Application (CDBG) c. Community Development Block Grant “Officers” 

d. Mask Law Suspension 

e. Board Discussion – Opting out of Retail Sales of Marijuana in the Village f. Local Law 2021-1 Regulation of Parking of Motor Vehicles on Public  Places Public Hearing 

g. Local Law 2021-2 Anti-Noise Public Hearing 

8. Working Groups/Committees 

a. Town Board Meeting Attendance – 8/12/21 

b. ACES (Alfred Committee on Equity and Safety) 

c. Alfred Community Coalition (Covid Screening Group) 

d. Police Union Contract Negotiations 

9. Reports 

a. Jim Ninos (DPW) 

b. Paul Griffith (Police) 

c. Caitlin Brown (Communication/Business Association) 

d. Andrea Gill (Village Hall/Youth & Recreation) 

e. Becky Prophet (Mayor/Fire & Ambulance Dept./Code Enforcement) f. Peter McClain (Deputy Mayor/Planning Board) 

10. Public Comment Period (10 minutes) 

11. Finance 

a. Fiscal Summary

b. Bills Abstract 2022-2 

12. Executive Session 

13. Executive Session  

14. Adjournment 

15. Upcoming Meetings – Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.

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