County Legislators will be busy today starting at about 10:30 am with the full Committee of the Whole, which is expected to meet under the secrecy of executive session. That meeting will be followed by two special committee sessions, Human Services and Personnel, of which no agenda has been provided. Those meetings will also likely be held under the confidence of executive session.
Speculation about the nature of these meetings is swirling around the crisis in the County Attorney office. Currently, the county website indicates that all attorney positions are vacant. Former county attorney staffers have indicated that the office has suffered from systemic disfunction for quite some time. Current staff of the office and other county officials have maintained a firm, “no comment” position.
The legislative curtain will be pulled back for the 1:00 pm Ways and Means committee meeting for which an sparse agenda has been provided to the public. County Administrator Carissa Knapp will present the committee with requests to transfer $2700 for office supplies and equipment. Its unknown if this committee will also be meeting under the cloak of executive session.
The public can watch live stream legislative meetings on the county Facebook page