My name is Heather Trask, and I am currently running in the Republican Party for Town Clerk/Tax Collector in the Town of Alma, NY.
I have resided in the Town of Alma for 33 years, am married and have two daughters. I have been an active Volunteer Firefighter and Secretary in the Alma Fire Department for 20 years. I am also Secretary for the Town of Alma Playground Committee and a member of TACDO (Town of Alma Community Development Organization). Recently, I graduated with a 4.0 GPA and received my Associates in Paralegal Science and Litigation Technologies.
My goal, if elected, is to have the Clerks monthly wages changed from salary to hourly. I personally feel if you are not working you should not be paid! I also would be open more days a week with hours convenient for the taxpayers! I will look for anyway to save the taxpayers of the town money. For just over two years I worked as Deputy Clerk therefore I have experience to perform the duties of the Clerk.
It would be greatly appreciated if you vote Heather Trask at the Primary Elections on June 22, 2021.