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Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Allegany County Human Services Committee Meeting


Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2021

Members Present: J. Hopkins, J. Burdick, G. Barnes, D. Decker, S. Havey, D. Root, P. Stockin, C. Crandall

Others Present: P. Curran, M. Denhoff, W. Dibble, K. Dirlam, J. Donigan, K. Geffers, K. Graves, D. Healy, K. Hooker, E. Kayes, C. Knapp, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, T. Ross, T. Shaw, M. Washer

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Human Services Committee Chair Judith Hopkins at 3:32 p.m.


            Office for the Aging Accountant Kim Geffers attended the meeting and submitted their monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. Geffers briefly highlighted their monthly report noting the increases in Homemaking/Personal Care (PC II) and Housekeeping/Chore (PC I) services.

Vaccine for 65+

            Ms. Geffers stated they continue to work on the COVID-19 vaccine waiting list for those 65 and older, noting how appreciative the elderly population is that they are working as fast as they can to get everyone vaccinated. Legislator Barnes asked what phone number an individual 65 and older should be calling to get vaccinated. Ms. Geffers stated anyone who isn’t already on the waiting list can call the Office for the Aging at 585-268-9390. Ms. Geffers briefly discussed the screening individuals go through to be placed on the waiting list. Legislator Havey asked how they are handling senior citizens who are homebound but want to be vaccinated. Ms. Geffers indicated that some senior citizens with severe immobility have gone to Fishers Pharmacy in Wellsville where they can stay in their car and receive their vaccine. Public Health Director Tyler Shaw stated they are getting ready to work with homecare agencies as well as private providers to serve that population; however, right now they are focused on vaccinating the individuals that are going in and out of the homes of homebound patients.

Free Help with Tax Forms

            Ms. Geffers stated there will be a 2021 Tax Clinic Site held at the Crossroads Center by appointment only. Those who wish to schedule an appointment or would like more information can call 585-268-9390 or toll free at 1-866-268-9390. The clinic will be held Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from February 17 through April 15 (closed on 2/24, 3/24, and 4/2) from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

March for Meals: Dollars for Seniors Donation

            Ms. Geffers stated the Allegany County Senior Foundation will join the 19th Annual National Meals-on-Wheels Campaign to generate public awareness about senior hunger and isolation, as well as to celebrate the invaluable services provided by nutrition programs for the elderly. The Allegany County community is invited to participate by supporting the month long campaign at the Shop and Save grocery stores located in Bolivar and Fillmore. Your donation of $1 at checkout will go directly to the Allegany County Senior Foundation to support the Meals-on-Wheels Program in Allegany County.

Recipe Contest

            The Office for the Aging is hosting a County-wide recipe contest for the month of March. They are looking for recipes in the categories of soup/salad, main dishes, quick breads, and desserts. Recipe submissions will be accepted through March 31, 2021, at the Office for the Aging, 6085 State Route 19N, Belmont, NY, 14813. A winner will be chosen for each category by the members of the Senior Advisory Council and will be announced in the next Office for the Aging’s Silver Lining newsletter. Winners will also receive a non-monetary prize, and their recipes will be featured on the Office for the Aging Meals-on-Wheels monthly menu. All recipes submitted for this contest will be compiled to create an Allegany County Office for the Aging cookbook that will be available by the end of the year. Recipes should be nutritious, not high in salt, sugar, or fat, be simple, clear, and easily made, as well as easy to portion into individual servings.

Acceptance and Appropriation of WNY COVID-19 Community Response Donation

Ms. Geffers requested a resolution to accept and appropriate a donation in the amount of $5,750 from the WNY COVID-19 Community Response Fund. This donation will be used to support increased volume and cost for home-delivered meals. The funds should be appropriated as follows:

Appropriation:                                                                              Amount:

A6779.408 (OFA – Wellness in Nutrition – General Supplies)          $1,400

A6779.404 (OFA – Wellness in Nutrition – Maintenance)                 $4,350

                                                                                                Total: $5,750

Revenue:                                                                                       Amount:

A6779.1972.PC (Participant Contributions and Donations)              $5,750

            Legislator Barnes asked how much of the $5,750 will go towards meals. Ms. Geffers estimated the overall cost of a meal including delivery and administration is just over $8. Legislator Barnes asked if any recipients pay for these meals. Ms. Geffers stated there is a suggested contribution provided to the recipients. Legislator Barnes asked if there is anyone who pays more than the suggested contribution as there are some people who can certainly afford to pay for the cost of the meal. Ms. Geffers stated there are some people that pay more; however, because they are suggested contributions, they don’t keep track of who does or does not pay as it wouldn’t affect their level of service. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Transfer of Funds within Unmet Needs Budget

Ms. Geffers requested a resolution to transfer funds in the amount of $1,500 within the Unmet Needs Budget. This is due to the changes in personnel over the past year as well as increased demand for ancillary supplies to improve accessibility helping to keep seniors in their homes longer.  The funds should be transferred as follows:

From:                                                                                             Amount:

A6778.101 (Expanded In-Home Services for Elderly Program)        $1,500

To:                                                                                                   Amount:

A6792.210 (Unmet Needs Grant 2019 – Equipment/Other)             $1,500

            This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Burdick, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means


Social Services Commissioner Edna Kayes attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. Kayes noted the new format of her monthly report and briefly highlighted the key she previously distributed that explains the data provided in her report. Ms. Kayes noted that she received a letter from the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) that indicated the 20 percent hold is being lowered to 5 percent, and the 15 percent balance should start being paid out between March 8 and March 22.

Raise the Age

Ms. Kayes stated they received the 20 percent gap payments for the previous quarter through April in the amount of $279,543. As of April 2020, there is $984,360 still outstanding, and that money will be released based upon our Raise the Age Plan which has been submitted but not yet approved. Ms. Kayes continued the County will owe approximately $400,000 in gap payments; however, after April 1, 2021, there will be no more gap payments which is good news.

Acceptance and Appropriation of WNY COVID-19 Community Response Funds

Ms. Kayes requested a resolution to accept and appropriate a donation of wrap around funding from the Allegany County Area Foundation/WNY COVID-19 Community Response Fund for the Child Advocacy Center to meet basic needs for Allegany County families. The funds should be appropriated as follows:

Appropriation:                                                          Amount:

A6200.407 (CAC – Supplies)                                     $2,500

Revenue:                                                                   Amount:

A6200.2705.00CAC (Gifts and Donations)                $2,500 

            Ms. Kayes stated they would like to use these funds as wrap-around funding for Allegany County families that come through the Child Advocacy Center with financial difficulties or barriers such as a broken down car or needing help with paying their utilities. Human Services Committee Chair Hopkins stated it sounds like a good use of funds. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Burdick, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Request to Fill Senior Typist

            Administrator Knapp stated a request to fill a Senior Typist in the Department of Social Services was forwarded to the Position Review Ad Hoc Committee where they will review it and bring back their recommendations to the Human Services Committee.


Public Health Director Tyler Shaw attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Shaw briefly highlighted his report noting that the 10,659 COVID-19 tests administered in January 2021 is New York State’s number, not Allegany County’s. Mr. Shaw noted the County has administered just over 2,900 tests. Mr. Shaw noted that he recently presented at the NYSAC Conference regarding COVID-19 response. Committee Chair Hopkins stated the Board is very aware of how the vaccines have been allotted to us, and she knows Mr. Shaw, Administrator Knapp, and the WNY Vaccine Hub have continuously advocated for the County. Mrs. Hopkins noted that it would be great if the state would grant us a mass vaccine site.

Rabies Clinic

            There will be a free rabies clinic help Saturday, April 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Genesee Valley School Bus Garage. This will be a drive through clinic, and pre-registration is required. To pre-register for the clinic, please call no later than April 15 at 585-268-9263 or 585-268-9712.

Approval of KOS, Inc. Agreement

Mr. Shaw requested a resolution renewing the annual maintenance agreement between the WIC Program and KOS, Inc. 278 Route 6 West, Coudersport, PA 16915. The maintenance agreement is for a Konica Minolta Bizhub C35 Color Copier and fax machine that is located at the WIC office at 112 Park Avenue, Wellsville, NY 14895. This maintenance agreement will be in effect from April 28, 2021, through April 28, 2022, at a rate of $240 per year for black and white copies (20,000 copies per year) and $132 for color copies (1200 copies). Any overages will be billed quarterly as follows: black and white $.012 per copy, and colored $.11 per copy. This maintenance agreement includes parts, toner, and labor and has been utilized by the WIC program for many years. This request was originally tabled but has been reviewed and approved by the IT Department to move forward. This agreement has also been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney. The request to renew the annual maintenance agreement between the WIC Program and KOS, Inc. was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. Prepare Resolution

Approval of Grants and Brinks, Inc. Agreement

            Mr. Shaw requested a resolution renewing the annual maintenance agreement between the WIC Program and Grants and Brinks, Inc. Grants and Brinks, Inc. is located at 135 North 3rd Street, Third Floor, Olean, NY 14760. The maintenance agreement is for the telephone system that Grant and Brinks installed in 2015 at the WIC office at 112 Park Avenue Wellsville, NY 14895.

This maintenance agreement will be in effect from March 8, 2021, through March 7, 2022, and it has been reviewed and approved by both the Information Technology Department as well as the County Attorney. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Burdick, and carried. Prepare Resolution

Approval to Apply for the Allegany County Area Foundation Grant

Mr. Shaw requested permission to apply for the Allegany County Area Foundation grant. This grant will assist in procuring personal protection equipment (PPE) material for both our COVID-19 rapid testing as well as COVID-19 vaccination clinics.  This grant will help to fund PPE such as N95 respirators and disinfectant wipes that are needed during COVID-19 vaccination and testing activities. Committee Chair Hopkins stated that all of the peripheral materials necessary such as Band-Aids, PPE, swabs, etc. are not provided with the vaccines. It is up to the County to supply them, so this grant is important. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Burdick, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Acceptance and Appropriation of Performance Incentive Funds

Mr. Shaw requested a resolution to accept and appropriate performance incentive initiative funds for the General Fund for the 2021 Budget year. This incentive was awarded to Allegany County by the NYS Department of Health and was based on expedited partner therapy for the treatment of chlamydia trachomatis infection. These performance incentive funds will be utilized to replace the existing vaccination refrigerator/freezer as well as purchase insurance card scanners and other office equipment. The total amount of the award was $14,515, and should be appropriated as follows:

Appropriation:                                                                                      Amount:

A4010.201 (County Health Dept. – Office Equipment)                     $     611

A4010.206 (County Health Dept. – Health Equipment)                     $13,904

                                                                                                                        Total:   $14,515

                        Revenue:                                                                        Amount:

A4010.3450.00 (Public Health-State Aid Other)                                $14,515

            Legislator Barnes asked if we aren’t able to get any vaccines because we only have a freezer. Mr. Shaw stated the County doesn’t have ultra-freeze storing capabilities for the Pfizer vaccines; however, we are partnering with Jones Memorial for that. The County is currently receiving the Moderna vaccine that requires refrigeration, and we do have the capacity to store it. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Havey, seconded by Legislator Stockin, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Genesee Valley Central School

Mr. Shaw requested a resolution authorizing the Allegany County Department of Health to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Genesee Valley Central School District and ratify the County Administrator’s signature on said MOU. The proposed MOU will allow the Allegany County Department of Health – Children’s Services Division, and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) to work cooperatively with community partners to provide supportive services to children in the Genesee Valley and Wellsville School districts. Support Services include:

  • Annual participation in at least two school-based events designed to promote wellness and offer public service prevention including distribution of educational material and screenings.
  • The Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program and Children’s Services will work cooperatively to disseminate project-related materials to eligible clients.
  • To participate and work cooperatively to enable an effective evaluation to be completed by an independent agent.

This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Burdick, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution

Request to Transfer Funds

Mr. Shaw requested permission to transfer funds in the amount of $1,500 from A4010.101 (Regular Pay) to A4190.405 (WIC – Conference Expense). Due to COVID-19, all WIC conferences were cancelled, and the conference expenses were removed from the WIC County Budget; however, the New York State WIC Program has subsequently decided to start offering virtual WIC trainings including the Annual NYSWIC Conference and Annual Breastfeeding Conference. The funds being transferred would cover the cost of registering 5 WIC staff for these virtual trainings. These funds are available for transfer as the WIC Program will have three (3) staff taking unpaid medical leave in 2021.  Additionally, please note, that WIC expenses are 100 percent grant funded, and since the funding will not be utilized for personnel services, it will need to be transferred to non-personnel services where it can be expended and the full amount of the grant captured. The transfer is as follows:

From:                                      To:                                                   Amount:

A4010.101 Regular Pay         A4190.405 Conference Expense       $1,500

            This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Barnes, and carried. Refer to Ways and Means

Request to Extend Sunset Date for (2) Temporary, Part-Time Office Aide Positions

Mr. Shaw requested a resolution extending two (2) temporary, part-time Office Aide positions. These positions were originally created with a sunset date of March 31, 2021, and the Health Department is seeking an extension of these temporary, part-time positions until August 31, 2021. Currently, the Health Department has one position filled and one vacant. At this point in time they are unsure what the COVID-19 variant situation will bring, their mass vaccination clinics are picking up and require most, if not all, of the Health Department staff to be engaged in this activity. The mass vaccination clinics leave most of the Office Aides back in the office to assist with contact tracing, answering COVID-19 questions, answering questions about travel quarantines and fully-vaccinated individuals, as well as COVID-19 testing while the other staff are away. Legislator Harris asked if this request needs to run through the Position Review Ad Hoc Committee first. Administrator Knapp stated the expiration date is nearing, and she feels they can skip the Ad Hoc Committee and grant Mr. Shaw the extension. Administrator Knapp continued one position is filled and one is vacant, and while they don’t know if the vacant position will be filled, they want to make sure both are extended. Committee Chair Hopkins asked if these are covered with federal funds. Mr. Shaw stated, no, they have six Office Aide positions; four are covered under the federal grant, and these two currently being addressed are covered with County funds. County Treasurer Terri Ross indicated the FEMA claim is questionable about what they can and cannot be reimbursed for, adding if these positions aren’t covered by other funds, they could add them to the claim. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Burdick, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried. Prepare Resolution   

Executive Session

            A motion was made by Legislator Burdick, seconded by Legislator Stockin, and carried at 4:03 p.m. to enter into executive session to discuss the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal, or removal of a particular person or corporation. Immediately following discussion at 4:21 p.m., a motion was made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried to end the executive session and return to the regular meeting.


            There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 3:22 p.m. following a motion made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary

Allegany County Board of Legislators  

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