News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

ACCORD Corporation Board Member Joseph Damiano Seeks Re-Election


ACCORD Corporation operates best by assuring that low-income community members have a decision-making voice as we develop and operate programs that serve our low-income community members. One of the many ways we assure this is happening is by reserving 1/3 of the membership on our Board of Directors for low-income community members. 

Mr. Joseph Damiano has been nominated by low-income and special needs residents of Allegany County to serve and represent them on the ACCORD Board of Directors since May 2017. Mr. Damiano’s 3-year-term will be complete on March 31, 2021 and is currently seeking support from low-income individuals for re-election to continue representing low-income individuals on the ACCORD Board of Directors.  Please consider casting an electronic nominating ballot for Mr. Damiano by visiting to learn more.

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