John was the Soul, George was the Spirit, Paul was the Heart and Ringo the Beat
A COLUMN By Frederick Sinclair
As we find ourselves in this, the holiest time of the year. It is a time for giving thanks and the gathering of family in reverence of gratitude, spiritual renewal and sharing. We all hold sacred the symbols and religious occasions which culturally may differ but are similar in Spirit and meaning. Behind the hustle and bustle of travel, gift giving and breaking bread, and beneath the surface of varied tradition and custom, lies the very essence of creation that gives and sustains life. That essence is infinite energy brought forth from the one true source as Love. Modern translations and interpretation of divine knowledge, from the earliest stone tablets of Lemuria, to ancient scripture from the eras of Jesus the Christ, Buddha the enlightened one and ascended masters throughout the ages, is being revealed. There is a newly emerging modern cosmology with a Quantum understanding of consciousness, physics and the spiritual fabric of creation. Unlimited energy, is creating vibration, light, time and space, which condenses into our physical reality via Spirit expressing Divine Love and Consciousness.

Why would a supreme consciousness, existing in a pure state of tranquility and infinite potential, leave that state and bring itself forth into a creation? It is the purest definition of Love imaginable; an endless provision of freedom to create and evolve into eternity. A recent cosmology of Ramtha-The White Book, brings forward wisdom of an ancient ascended master, as channeled through JZKnight, revealing that every soul was created and empowered in Spirit at the very beginning and all embarked on an endless journey of inventing and developing the universe. The Creators’ Love embarks with every soul, eon after eon. Free will is essential for Souls to advance and expand creation into its unlimited potential. Every possibility must exist in order for Source to remain infinite in nature. There is no limitation to the Soul’s divinity. A modern day quantum physicist has verified that such an infinite energy source does indeed exist. See: Nassim Haramein on You Tube.
It is the Love, Spirit and free will, imparted to our Souls at creation that feed our talents, creativity, faith, belief, knowing and yes even atheism. The story of four souls comes to mind, who started with little in common but musical talent and these Souls, brought together by circumstance, started a band and were discovered. This joining of creative sparks led to success as one of the, if not, the greatest band of their era. Their journey embodied fantasy, spiritualism, questioning, discovery and inspired messaging. They touched the communal soul of humanity and ascended in a life and music that verged on divine prophecy. It has been said that John was the Soul, George was the Spirit, Paul was the heart and Ringo the beat. After decades of spiritual exploration, social comment, turmoil, fame and fortune, these four Souls recorded their last song together as the Beatles. Each Soul did a solo then found perfect harmony in that one last timeless line:
“And in the end… the Love you take is equal to the Love…you make.” The End