County Chairman issues proclaimation, Hennessy asks for participation through November 11
44-72% of US service members are under high stress, suicide rates are high
By Andrew Harris, pictured is the Allegany County Courthouse participating
Allegany County is full of military veterans, from the World War II vets to more recent conflicts in the Middle East.

An easy way to show your support for these men and women is to replace your front porch light with a green bulb. As county Veteran Services Coordinator “Mike” Hennessy explained, this speaks to military families, not just veterans:
“The wives, husbands, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers who really help these veterans out….. remember there is somebody behind these veterans who help them get through the struggles of the day”
Harris asked Hennessy how to find some green lights and his advice was to contact the Office of the Aging or your local America Legion or VFW.
A county proclaimation is now in place to encourage all Allegany County front porches to display a green light in support of military service community.