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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

 Tractor Safety Certification Training & Contests


Cuba Rushford Central School hosted a day of learning and competition

By Lynn Bliven, Agriculture & Natural Resources Issue Leader

Pictured is Shane Ploetz of Cuba

Allegany County 4-H and FFA sponsored a Tractor and Machinery Safety Certification Training in June. Training was geared toward youth ages 14-15 seeking work on a farm. This certification is required to legally enable their employment on non-family-owned farms. While the certification is not required for youth working on their family farm, many farm owners seek out the training for their children calling the class a valuable educational experience. As one farmer put it, “maybe a busy working dad isn’t the best one to cover safety training.” 

Special thanks to Cuba-Rushford School for hosting part of the program and for providing tractors for students to use during the training. To Genesee Valley, Cuba Rushford, and Fillmore School Districts for support through their FFA programs; providing instruction from teachers Carolyn Wright, Carly Santangelo and Sara Haggerty. Thanks as well to Lynn Bliven, CCE Allegany County for facilitating and teaching during the training. 

We were also fortunate to have Jim Carrabba from the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) provide demonstrations on the importance of safe operating practices and personal protective equipment. Visual presentations are often more impactful in enforcing how quickly an accident can occur, far more rapidly than humans can respond.

This year we had 10 candidates complete the training. They were then eligible to enter the Tractor Operators’ contest at the Allegany County Fair on Tuesday, July 20th along youth certified in prior years. First place senior at the county level went to Jim Eshelman, 1st place junior was awarded Wyatt Tyler.

Those successfully competing at county level were able to move on to the statewide contest on July 24th at the Genesee County Fairgrounds in Batavia. We had 3 youth choosing to participate in the statewide Tractor Driving Contest. Shane Ploetz was 1st in juniors and high overall for the contest. Mason Findley placed 8th and Conner Armison 9th in the junior division. Contestants are judged on driving a 2-wheel and 4-wheel implement through a course including backing up. Each of these events is timed. They also are tested on general knowledge of tractor safety and identification of tractor parts. The participant with the lowest score, least penalty points, wins the contest.  

Tractor Safety Certification Training is one of many programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Allegany County (CCE-Allegany). The association is part of the national cooperative extension system, an educational partnership between County, State, and Federal governments. As New York’s land grant university Cornell administers the system in this state. For more information, call 585-268-7644 or visit our website at Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.


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