News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Town of Alma public notice


Monthly meetings will move to second Tuesday of each month

From the Town of Alma,

  As of June 11th, The Town of Alma Board, has changed their monthly meetings to the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

If a second meeting is necessary for that month, it will be announced.  

Thank You,

Michelle J. Staedt

Alma Town Clerk

585-593-4021 (office)

585-593-4027 (fax)

Office hours: Tues. & Wed. 9am – 1pm

                           Thurs. 12pm – 6pm

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Suzette Renee Carlin, 62, Wellsville

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US Army Corps of Engineers to update master plan for Almond Lake and the Arkport Dam

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