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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Local leaders react to the attempted assassination of former President Trump, loss of life


Congressman Langworthy, NYS Senator Borrello, Senator Gillibrand, and Senator Schumer echo condemnations

From Staff Reports,

Congressman Nick Langworthy made a long video statement that can be found on his Facebook page. Immediately after learning of the shooting, he stated:

Tonight, we witnessed a disgusting and senseless act of political violence,” said Congressman Langworthy.“I’m relieved that President Trump is safe, but my heart is broken for those who were killed and injured and for their families.”

“This was an attack on our democracy and an attack on our freedom,” he continued. “To those who seek to spread fear and hatred, know this: You will not succeed. America has faced dark days like this before — and we will emerge stronger.”

He also added, “I’m grateful for the Secret Service agents who stepped up today and put themselves in harm’s way to protect President Trump and the rally attendees. This could’ve been much worse without their heroic actions.”

Senate Majority Leader and NY Senator Chuck Schumer issed this statement:

I am horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and relieved that former President Trump is safe. Political violence has no place in our country.

State Senator George Borrello made this public comment just hours after the deadly incident.

“The shooting at a rally for President Trump in Pennsylvania this evening was reprehensible and should concern people of every political affiliation. Differences in political views are never justification for violence. Reports indicate an attendee has been killed which is tragic. My prayers are with the family of this victim who died because of the senseless, hateful actions of the shooter. I pray that President Trump is okay and that no other individuals were hurt.”

Senator Kristin Gillibrand of NY made this statement on social media:

“Political violence is completely unacceptable and has no place in American democracy. My thoughts are with former President Trump and all of those affected by this horrifying act. I’m grateful to law enforcement for their swift response.”

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