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Great Blue Heron by Melinda Knox Photography

Walking the WAG: Don’t miss the “greening” of the trail


The week ahead will transform the landscape into a rainforest

By Andrew Harris, Baltimore Oriole by Dan Jordan Photography

This is the best time of year to visit the WAG Trail and experience life exploding all around, while you walk. The Genesee River bottom is the ideal temperate deciduous rainforest to visit during the early part of May.

During the next week or so, the plants, trees, and forest canopy comes alive. It is no exaggeration to say that during just an hour walk about, you will have been part of countless examples of birth, rebirth, and growth. Don’t be surprised if you see the first whitetail fawn of the year, ostrich ferns are popping out of the ground every second of the day this week, and the trailside “honeysuckle” is close to blooming. Canada geese are nested all along the WAG Trail and goslings are hatching this week, be careful to keep a distance as mamma goose means business.

Baltimore orioles have led the migratory flocks back to nesting grounds and they are in full courtship and nest building mode. This brief window before the forest leaves unfurl is optimal for catching a glimpse of the many birds who have just arrived from their tropical winter home. The orioles, tanangers, grosbeaks, and warblers are in peak plumage and are singing their hearts out. Grey catbirds and brown thrashers, while less flashy, are amazing singers and tend to hangout trailside.

Amphibians are still putting on a great concert also, primarily early mornings and near dusk. Tree frogs, spring peepers, and toads only perform as a trio this time of year. The large pond south of the Mapes Road trailhead is an ideal place to catch the live music.

If you only make it out on the WAG Trail once this year, now is the time to visit and get some “steps” in. The early part of this week, Tuesday May 7 and Wednesday May 8 will be dreamy spring weather with cooler damp weather arriving Thursday May 9.

We’d love to hear about your adventures on the WAG, see your pictures, or get answers to questions from the NYS DEC, email anytime,

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