News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Wellsville Odyssey of the Mind teams compete in Syracuse, Viglietta honored for 20 years of OM excellence


Students and coaches thrive under Stephanie Viglietta’s leadership

From the Wellsville Team OM, pictured is team member Norah Gamache with coach Viglietta

Stephanie received an OMer award for her dedication to the Odyssey of the Mind program at Wellsville Central School. “OMer awards recognize those individuals, coaches, team members, parents, officials, and others who during a tournament serve as exemplary examples or role models through their actions or words.

All of the Wellsville OM teams had a great time exploring Wonderworks

Below is a summary of the write-up that was submitted as part of her nomination:

“Stephanie has been a coach for 20 years. She has coached both elementary and middle school teams and is the Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator for Wellsville Central. She helps keep all teams/coaches organized, cheers on all teams and mentors new coaches. Her positive energy and creative outlook inspires her team to always put their best foot forward and meet any challenge head on. We are so proud to have her as a representative of our school and our OM organization. Stephanie has never been part of this for personal gain, but we feel that her years of service and ability to foster positive relationships, build and maintain Wellsville’s OM program, creative mind, and inspiring outlook on life makes her an ideal candidate for the OMer’s Award!”

Stephanie’s Middle School of Adeline Brubaker, Vanessa Carr, Norah Gamache, Valeria Messing, Emily Schneider and Maggie Viglietta placed 3rd out of 20 teams!

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