“When wind turbines rotate, they generate not only electricity but also infrasound”
by Frederick Sinclair
The Alle-Catt Wind Farm was approved by a state run Article 10 Review Board in 2020. The Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need will allow the installation of 84, 820 foot tall wind turbines involving more than 30,000 acres in the northwest corner of Allegany and parts of Cattaraugus and Wyoming counties. Local opponents to Alle-Catt mounted a strong and lengthy resistance to the proposed wind farm, with local citizens groups, private landowners and some elected officials providing arguments against the wind farm. Well framed arguments in formal hearings were held, however, the NYS review board issued the go ahead with a few conditions that are still, after four years, being worked out. Among the objections to the behemoth wind turbines was the negative health and environmental impacts from infrasound, a threat ignored by the State Review Board and proponents of the wind farm.
When wind turbines rotate, they generate not only electricity but also infrasound.
Research has documented that infrasound represents “a huge problem for all forms of organisms” including humans, says Dr Ursula Bellut-Staeck a medical doctor, researcher and scientific author. Dr Bellut-Staeck has been studying the health effects of infrasound for several years, looking into it as a stressor at the cellular level and has published a paper in 2023 on how infrasound is a stressor affecting microcirculation and endocelial cells. Located on the inner walls of capillaries, these cells transport proteins, inhibit inflammation and control blood pressure.
Infrasound is a sound wave with a frequency of less than 20 hertz (Hz) that is generated when large air masses, being pushed in front of each blade, are interrupted as they pass the tower, producing a pulse. Infrasound is transmitted through the air, ground and water in frequencies as low as 0.25 Hz with a wavelength of 0.86 miles. Low frequencies with long wavelengths penetrate houses. Buildings offer no protection from infrasound. Humans cannot usually hear frequencies below 16 Hz. “ Airborn and ground-born infrasound can add up considerably indoors,” says Dr. Bellut-Staeck. “It can affect microcirculation and endocellial cells with endocellial swelling and outer cell damage occurring within three hours of infrasound exposure at a frequency of 8 Hz. Since around 2015, it has been noticed that people exposed to Infrasound and vibration from technical emitters have shown symptoms that correspond to microcirculatory disorders, this effect was particularly noticeable after smaller wind turbines were replaced by larger ones. “
The push for installation of large wind turbine farms in western NY continues with thousands of acres of open land and multiple high ridges being sacrificed. State Certificates of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need are being rushed through in order to meet questionable energy goals. Land use control and regulation at the local level have been weakened by the state appointed Article 10 review process that speeds up approvals, eliminates obstacles and neutralizes local community resistance. More electricity from expanding wind sites is causing the further throttling back of production at our cleanest and most economical source of Niagara Falls Hydro-electric power generation. Health and environmental concerns and specifically negative impacts from wind turbine infrasound are being ignored by local and state officials who should be held accountable for violation of our NYS Constitutional right to clean air, water and a healthful living environment.