News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Letter to the Editor: Thank you Dr. Lopez for saving Bentley’s life!!


“That kind of personal support and care for not just Bentley but for me too is priceless”

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Lopez (the Wellsville Veterinary Hospital) and all of the staff there for the incredible care they give our community’s fur babies.  My sweet dog Toby was given wonderful care there for the 13 years we had him.  When I adopted my old man cat Bentley in 2020, I knew he’d get the same quality care but when there’s a health scare, you have new-found appreciation for having such an incredible team here in Wellsville.

On December 16th, Bentley swallowed a piece of yarn which can be deadly for cats.  I called Dr. Lopez’s immediately and they said to bring him in.  They gave Bentley stuff right away in hopes that he’d be able to pass it (without surgery).  Dr. Lopez was hoping Bentley would only be there for a couple of days.  I called daily for check-ups and by Tuesday or Wednesday Dr. Lopez was encouraging me to visit Bentley.  I was hesitant because I worried Bentley would see me and think good, let’s go home.

On Thursday afternoon, one of the x-rays showed concern so Dr. Lopez thought he’d be operating on Friday.  I went in Friday morning for a visit unsure if Bentley would come through the surgery.  Like I said, he’s an old man cat and Dr. Lopez wasn’t sure if or what kind of damage there could be to his intestines.  Dr. Lopez is always thoughtful and honest in his approach, which means a great deal.

On Friday, Bentley’s x-ray looked better but he still hadn’t passed the yarn and on Christmas Eve Dr. Lopez called and said he thought surgery was the best option and I agreed.  I thanked him for calling and asked for an update when they were done.  I am happy to say Bentley came through the surgery fine and he came home that Wednesday after Christmas.

I met people on Dr. Lopez’s team that I hadn’t yet met, which amazed me.  I have no idea how many staff Dr. Lopez has but I can tell you that each and every one has always been simply beautiful to me:  genuine, kind, empathetic, and caring.  They all told me how they fawned over Bentley and what a good boy he is.  They shared their own pet stories and were all pulling for Bentley to get healthy and be able to come home.  That kind of personal support and care for not just Bentley but for me too is priceless.

Wellsville is a great community with wonderful offerings and I just wanted to share that Dr. Lopez and his team are certainly one of them.


Rebecca Decker

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