News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County leaders take oath of office


Harris, Demick, Havey, Jones, and Christman are sworn-in

Harris announces committee assignments for 2024

By Andrew Harris, pictured is the 2024 Allegany County Legislature

Legislative leaders, the new District Attorney, and the longtime County Clerk stood before an officer of the court, took an oath of office, and were duly sworn in this afternoon in Belmont NY.

As we have previously reported, the leaders of the 2023 Allegany County legislature, have been re-elected to those posts. W. Brooke Harris, legislator from District 5 and Kevin “Fred” Demick from District 1 will maintain their respective roles as Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Brenda Rigby Riehle looks on as Harris takes oath as Chairman from Judge Parker

Also reappointed to his post, District 4 legislator Steven Havey will continue to serve as the legislative Majority Leader. Allegany County has no Minority Leader as the board is all Republican party members.

The Honorable Judge Terrance Parker will be administering the oath of office to the new top law enforcement official in Allegany County, newly elected District Attorney Ian M. Jones.

Ian M Jones takes his oath before Judge Parker with family at his side

Returning to the role of County Clerk is Robert L. Christman after an uncontested election. Christman will have his longtime friend and Town of Wellsville Justice Karl E. Graves will administer his oath of office.

Robert Christman takes his oath from Justice Graves with his wife at his side

After the organizational formalities ended, the legislative chambers turned to Chairman Harris for what could be one of the most consequential decisions of the year, committee assignments.

A quick refresher on committee assignments and why they are so important:

The Allegany County legislature works on a system of committees to bring legislation forward, review legislation, and of course pay for legislation. These committees also have oversight over key functions of county government. For example the Public Works Committee must review and approve any new local law or policy which might impact the Department of Public Works. The Personnel Committee is the front line with human resources, union agreements, and basic “hiring and firing.” The Ways and Means Committee must approve all resolutions from a fiscal standpoint before the full board can approve or deny. Each committee has a chairman who exerts his or her control over the workings of that committee. The members of the committee are generally chosen to serve committees of which they have experience or education.

The 2024 committee assignments:

  • HUMAN SERVICES:                                                                         

Chairman:  Burdick    Vice Chairman:  Ricketts-Swales                             

Committee Members:  Barnes, Hanchett, Root, Rumfelt,, Stockin

  • PERSONNEL:                                                                                   

Chairman:  Ricketts-Swales Vice Chairman:  Ricci                                              

Committee Members:  Burdick, Hanchett, Havey, Root, Rumfelt

            Special – Negotiations Liaison Committee (Sub-Committee of Personnel)

            Chairman:  Ricci

  • PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:                            

Chairman:  Root        Vice Chairman:  Hanchett                            

Committee Members:  Barnes, Curran, Havey, Healy, Ricci, Ricketts-Swales

  • PUBLIC SAFETY:                                                                             

Chairman:  Havey      Vice Chairman:  Cyr                                     

Committee Members:  Barnes, Demick, Healy, Rumfelt, Stockin

  • PUBLIC WORKS:                                                                                         

Chairman:  Fanton     Vice Chairman:  Demick                              

Committee Members:  Barnes, Curran, Cyr, Healy, Stockin

Special – Space Needs Committee (Sub-Committee of Public Works)                   

Chairman:  Demick    Vice Chairman:  Healy                                 

Committee Members:  Cyr, Fanton, Hanchett, Havey, Root

  • RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                                                          

Chairman:  Curran     Vice Chairman:  Hanchett                                        

Committee Members:  Barnes, Cyr, Demick, Fanton, Ricketts-Swales

  • WAYS & MEANS:                                                                             

Chairman:  Stockin    Vice Chairman:  Fanton                                           

Committee Members:   Burdick, Demick, Havey, Healy, Ricci, Root

Special – Budget Committee (Sub-Committee of Ways & Means)              

Chairman:  Burdick    Vice Chairman:  Barnes      Committee Members:  Curran, Fanton, Ricci, R

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