News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Village of Wellsville takes the next steps toward “parking lot” eminent domain, read the resolutions


SEQR review results in “negative declaration”

By Andrew Harris, picture from the Village of Wellsville

The process of using the power of eminent domain by the village of Wellsville to force the sale of a centrally located parking lot has continued.

After last night’s village board meeting, the path is clear for the legal action to continue. A SEQR(State Environmental Quality Review Act) review was done to determine if the transfer of property created an enviromental health issue as defined by SEQR law.

Read that document:

As expected, the mere change of ownership itself does not present a environmental health issue. That reality results in a negative declaration and the process of eminent domain continues.

Parking lot masters, call for 2024

With the SEQR requirement, the village can now move forward and immediately chose to do so.

The board passed an unanimous resolution to continue and provided a full documentation into the rationale of the decision. From that resolution:

The proposed Project and action by the Village is the acquisition of the approximately 11,000+/- square foot portion of property located at 86 North Main Street, in the Village of Wellsville, NY Tax Map Number 239.37-1-41, known as the Parking Lot Parcel (or the “Property”).  The Parking Lot Parcel is shown in the map below. 

The Map(above) shows the Parking Lot Parcel proposed to be acquired indicated with a GREEN border marking the area of the property to be acquired. 

The Village has determined that acquisition of the Parking Lot Parcel is required to provide necessary public parking to residents and visitors to the Village to serve as a dedicated public parking area for Village residents and visitors to safely and conveniently visit the various retail and commercial establishments located within the Village’s Central Business District (the “Project”).  Acquisition of the Parking Lot Parcel would allow the Village a dedicated parking area for public parking in the Central Business District within the Village where there is currently a dearth of public parking available.

The Parking Lot Parcel is located in the Village’s Central Business District on North Main Street bounded to the south by North Main Street, to the east by an alley allowing for ingress and egress to the Parking Lot Parcel and additional parking area, to the north by the Parking Lot Parcel and additional parking area and to the west by an adjacent building operated by Willcare Health Services.  The Parking Lot Parcel is approximately 11,000+/- square feet, with the Village having used the site for municipal parking for approximately 50 years.  The Parking Lot Parcel’s central location within the Village makes it essential for public parking. 

The Parking Lot Parcel has been utilized as a free municipal parking lot for approximately 50 years.  The Village has maintained the Parking Lot Parcel for the past approximately 50 years by providing the following at various times:  maintenance, repairs, paving and snow removal all at the Village’s expense.  The Parking Lot Parcel facilitates convenient public parking which, in turn, helps support small businesses in the business district along Main Street. 

Read that full document :

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