News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Diamond Dawgs working on the railroad for the community


Youth softball team gives back by cleaning up the Village of Wellsville

From the Diamond Dawgs,

On October 15th nearly 20 girls from the Diamond Dawgs Softball Program and their families participated in a community service event where they cleaned the railroad tracks in Wellsville’s Main Business District. With assists from Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad (safety instruction and safety officer), The Village Of Wellsville Department of Public Works (trash bag donation and pick up), LC Whitford (Parking and collection station set up) the girls not only did a great community service, they enjoyed a team building event and raised funds for their youth softball program.

The Diamond Dawgs would like to thank everyone for making this event a success. The generosity of the community, some connected to the program, while others just supporting local youth was astounding.

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