News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Homecare & Hospice thanked for exceptional end-of-life care after pancreatic cancer battle


“I cannot imagine having gone through this experience without them”

By Anonymous but grateful,

“For 18 months, my boyfriend battled metastasized pancreatic cancer.
When it became time for us to prepare for his end of life, HomeCare &
Hospice was there.

As experts, they offered guidance and support when it mattered most. Not
only did they help us navigate the end stages of his terminal illness, but also
helped in the transition to hospice. Afterward, I could rely on them to help
process and cope with grief. Words cannot express how much they helped.
Throughout his care, they learned what was unique and important to him. They
operated with respect and supported his preferences. We also knew what to
expect due to their phenomenal education. I cannot imagine having gone through
this experience without them.

I know when he passed, he felt comfortable, supported, and loved.

If you have a loved one in need of hospice care, I highly recommend HomeCare
& Hospice. They are experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate. As a
medical professional for 50 years and a caretaker myself, I was impressed and
appreciative. Their staff taught me so much about the end-of-life process. Even
after his passing, their communication and follow up remains exceptional.
Because of them, a sad experience became a positive one. Thank you all so

Anyone can make the first call to hospice. If you or someone you know could
benefit from our services, please contact us at (716) 372-5735 or visit

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“Pull for the Cure” set for September 3rd in Dansville: Trucks, tractors, semis, and more !

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